Thursday, May 29, 2008

Three Feet High And Rising

Well, today's my birthday ... 57 trips around the sun, and nothing to show for it 'cept 10 boney fingers and a bad sunburn! As the story goes, it was a *dark and stormy night* ... quite literally, actually. It had been storming and raining hard for a couple days (a precursor to the Great Flood of '51) leading up to the night mah ol' Daddy, him, had to drive Mama to the hospital on account I was ready to make my grand entrance into the world. The old country roads were flooded & treacherous ... and the bridge was washed out on the main road to town ~ so Dad had to take to the backroads in Grandpa's old '49 Chevy pickup truck t'git to the hospital. All dat said, I arrived in the wee hours, along 'bout 1 AM ... hungry from the git-go ... and Daddy always liked to say when I was borned I was so ugly dat docteur, him, he took one look at me & slapped my MAMA ... twice!! LOL What a long, strange trip it's been.

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday you ole moose gooser. I turned 50 last month and wanted to cry like I was 3. This getting old stuff is for the birds. Happy bird-doo any way. Edder


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