Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Cukes & Onions Salad

Found some great lookin' garden fresh cucumbers at a produce stand yesterday, so picked up a few ... and a couple them sweet Vidalia onions & a lemon ~ sliced'em up, zest and juice dat lemon, salt, cracked black & a pinch of sugar, some fresh oregano & mint from lil' missy's garden, cider vinegar, evoo & a splash of water ~ VOILA ~ one my favorite summertime salads.
Whooooboy, just went out to the smokeshop to enjoy a lil fresh air and a cuppa dat good Community Coffee, al' fresco, and danged if I din't come back in wit a big package of split chicken breasts & a coil of homemade jalapeno sausage out the freezer! Whooooboy, I'm committed now ... ain't no turnin' back ... come 'long bout Thursday I see a smokin' session happenin' on da bayou, ain?

Taj Mahal ~ Cajun Waltz

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