Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Boys In The Bunkhouse

Aiiiyeee, the bunkhouse would be kinda boring without this onery ol' cowboy in it ~ my buddy Bruce W. aka "Willdog" been raisin' the roof & scarin' the chilluns ever since I come to know him back in the late 70's / early 80's. Willdog's a right fine high-harmony bluegrass singer ... paid his dues singin' fer his supper in beer joints & roadhouses out in western Kansas, where he was born'n raised ~ his Pop a cattleman, still farmin' the home place out that way. Like most mah friens, Willdog got hisself married up & settled down (kinda) ... got a lil' peeshwank sprout name Charlieboy dat's wayyy to handsome to take after his doggie daddy ... but every once in a blue moon ... most often late at night when the wind is just right and the W.L. Wellers Reserve bottle gits 'bout half empty, you can hear ol' Willdoggie's voice wailin' the high lonesome. Yeah, all my rowdy friens have settled on down....
On account a very unfortunate accident involving a gas grill, three mah friends died and went to Heaven, lickety-split. Thereupon his arrival, the first guy, mah frien Hopper, gits handcuffed to one of the ugliest girls there. "Why you cuffin' me to this butt-ugly girl?" he asks.

St. Paul replies: "Hoppy ... when you were nine years old you killed a bird with a stone."

The same thang happens to the second guy, mah frien Alonzo. He also asks why he's chained to such a gawd-awful ugly girl.

St. Paul again replies, "When you were nine you killed a bird with a stone."

The third fella, mah ol' buddy Willdog, he laughs at the misfortune that's befallen his friens and says, "Thank God I din't do nuthin' like that", and then he gets hisself handcuffed to the most prettiest girl in Heaven ~ whooboy ah mean to say ... she was fine, yeh.

The other two guys was understandably irked ... and they ask St. Paul: "How come ol' Willdog git shackled to dat bee-you-tiful girl, huhhhhh???"

And St. Paul said: "Because when she was nine she killed a bird with a stone."
Larry Gatlin & Gatlin Brothers ~ The Midnight Choir

The doors to the mission open at seven
And the soup will be ready about nine
Right now its six-thirty, they're ragged and dirty
They standin' and sittin', and layin' in line
First they'll do a little singin', then hear a little preachin'
And get saved for the 3rd time this week
A bowl of soup later and a pat on the shoulder
And by midnight, they're back on the street

They walk to the corner of 4th street and Broadway
Then take the first alley on the right
One of them asks a stranger, how 'bout a hand
And he gives 'em one finger at a time
Then they spot an old buddy, with a bottle of heaven
Then pass around what means ev'ry-thing
One bottle for four, thank God, someone scored
And now the Midnight Choir starts to sing

Will they have Mogen David in heaven
Dear Lord, we'd all like to know
Will they have Mogen David in heaven, Sweet Jesus
If they don't, who the hell wants to go

Will they have Mogen David in heaven
Dear Lord, we'd all like to know
Will they have Mogen David in Heaven, Sweet Jesus
If they don't, who the hell wants to go

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