Thursday, July 24, 2008

Got Wood?

Pecan, hickory, peach and apple wood ... chunked and split for the WSM ~ got'er fired up, locked & loaded for an early morning smoke session today. Nothing like the smell of hickory smoke in the cool pre-dawn air ~ Gawd, I love this country!! Smoker fired at 4:30 AM & loaded at 5:30 AM ... a whole choice packer brisket, couple slabs of pork spare ribs trimmed St. Louie, a big hunka bovine chuck roast, 2 whole chickens and a bunch of thick cut pork steaks. Had to git *creative* and rig up a 3rd shelf in the WSM ... but I got'er done ... visions of burnt ends fer supper dancin' in mah haid ~ but for now, we wait. Go to sleep mah little babies...
Bobbie Gentry ~ Ode To Billy Joe
Had'ta have a lil' breakfast while tending the smoker this morning ~ scratch buttermilk biscuits filled with a fried egg and bacon, then smothered with sausage gravy ... made the homemade sausage yesterday, using pork sparerib trimmings and flap meat.


  1. Do you use just wood in your WSM, or do you chunk it up and place it on coals?

  2. hay mooney ~ wassup? i use charcoal for the heat source, and chunks of wood for the smoke. i like chunks about the size of softballs. i been using that rancher/original charcoal company 100% natural hardwood charcoal ... i like it ... bought 20 bags of it on sale early last summer ... still got 8 bags left, should get me thru this summer.

    i don't think using all wood in a wsm would work very good, do you?

  3. Nah, i don't think all wood would work that well either, but i have often wondered if anyone tried it. I use Wicked Good Comp Blend myself, but big ol wood chunks. I have about 20 bags left, and then need to find something new, as they stopped making that charcoal Makes me sad, best stuff i have even used!

  4. i ain't real picky about what charcoal i use ... granted, there is good & bad ... but there's a lot of good ones out there. i generally stay with royal oak, kingsford or this rancher ... i buy whichever one is cheapest. not a big fan of the lump charcoal, either ... sure, it burns clean and hot, but it's too damn expensive for this po'boy.

  5. I hear you on the cost thing. me and the old man bought an entire pallet of the WG, and that the cost way down. given the longer burn times of the WG, we figure it was actually cheaper then RO or Kingsford, at least compared to what they charge for those up here in the frozen tundra.

  6. they had that rancher charcoal on sale last spring ... for $2.99/bag ... 20# bags! i bought 40 bags ... sold half of it to my neighbor for $5 per bag ... which brought my cost per bag down to about $1 per bag!! lol did i ever tell you dat i was a frugal sumbitch??

  7. Sounds like a hell of a deal. Even at wally world up here, a big bag of Kingsford is about 6 bucks best price, for 18 pounds. We got 22 pound WG lump for about 14 a bag, and it outlasts 2 kingsford bags easy, at least in the WSM. I may have to drive south to get my next batch with prices like you got!(if gas ever gets cheaper!)


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