Friday, September 12, 2008

Red Friday ~ Raider Week!!

OK, so the Chiefs suck this year ... but guess what ~ the Raiders suck even more! I found a bookmaker that has the Chiefies -3 ... whooooboy, I'm all over that ... are you kiddin' me ... Chiefies at Arrowhead with 70,000 Raider Haters in the stadium, and they're only giving 3 points? Prolly because Brodie Croyle is hurt and Huard is going to start ... but that's a positive, not a negative. I'm bettin' the farm on this one <---click. My boy Damon Huard will rise to the occasion, as he always does ~ Go Chiefies!!
James Gang ~ Funk #49


  1. Ouch! If only foresight were as good as hindsight huh Chez? Now betting on the Pack today would have made you good haul!

  2. yeah, chiefs suck worse than i thought ~ when huard went down, it was all she wrote. chiefies are done, stick a fork in'em. btw, i did bet on the cheeseheads today. (g)

  3. Good call there. Could you believe Chris Berman called for the game to be 21-20 Detroit? The pack may be be anything special this year, but it will be a cold day in hell when we lose to the Lions! I hope berman bet big that way just for talking such nonsense on national TV!! I would serve him right!


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