Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Shepherd's Pie

I was informed today that this is not shepherd's pie, but rather cottage pie, on account I made it with beef and not lamb. In any case, it was good eats ... made it with some leftover beef/veggie soup that I thickened up & topped it with some real homemade cheesy horseradish mashed potatoes w/lotsa sour cream and butter ... then baked it till it was hot and bubbly. Countdown to Porterhouse ~ 38 days.
Buddy Miles ~ Down By The River


  1. Hey Brotherman, Seems I read that Joe Cocker is one of those people that eats the exact same thing every night for Supper. He eats Shepard's pie. I know a boy in Alabama that eats two cheeseburgers and some french fries every night of the year. Easter, Thanksgiving or Christmas don't make no nevermind to him. I might could eat shrimp every night but it would have to vary in preparation like Bubba Gump shrimp. Edder

  2. love me some shrimp, but a good cheeseburger is a beautiful thang! i'm a "meat & potatoes" kinda guy ... don't need no fancy upscale frenchie food, just good honest down-home country cookin' suits me fine. give me peasant food done right, and i'm a happy camper.


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