Friday, October 10, 2008

Creamed Swiss Chard

ok ok ... so i git up from my lil' siesta yesterday afternoon, and turn my attention to supper ~ hadn't given it much thought on account i already had the entree' covered (italian sausage & spaghetti) ... but i'm thinkin' a side dish would be good ... something green & veggie like. a quick scan of the pantry & freezer turns up a package of fresh swiss chard from lil' missy's perrydize garden ... she brought me that chard earlier this summer, and i cleaned & sautee'd it then froze it for just such an occasion as this. made a quick bechamel sauce, added some grated romano & provolone cheese - making a mornay sauce ... folded in the sautee'd swiss chard ... lil' red pepper flake & cracked black ... pinch of salt ... into buttered casserole dish ... into the oven to bake & git all bubbly & happy. never had creamed swiss chard before, but it was very good....for a vegetable.
Jimmy Hall ~ Rendezvous With The Blues

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