Saturday, January 17, 2009

Y'all Want Some Taters?

Doing a lil' prep this afternoon, while watching the KU bb game on the 'lectric teevee ... created some interesting looking taters for breakfast tomorrow. These are red bliss, gently parboiled whole until about 1/2 done ... then sliced thick while still warm & pressed into a mixture of crushed Pringles potato chips, Dizzy Pig Swamp Venom and a lil' bit parmesan cheese. The natural starches in the potatoes made the breading stick real good when they cooled and dried. Tomorrow, will pan fry them in a lil' butter ... to side up my eggs & sausage. Ain't no fancy city vittles.
Well, fast forward about 18 hours to Sunday morning ~ here's what those taters look like ... taste much more better than good, ah garrontee.

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