Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous

Simply Because It Taste So Good
Commander Cody ~ What Made Milwaukee Famous


  1. Did ya know they are making Schlitz again? I have not had any yet, but it is supposed to the same beer it used to be.

  2. yeah, i've heard that they are making original recipe schiltz again. unfortunately, i'm a recovering alkie & cannot drink it.

  3. Chez I have a six pack of Schlitz in the basement. I'll have one for you so you won't be tempted. Stay strong brother.

  4. well aw'rite ... when i was a kid, my dad drank schlitz, in the old metal cans that you needed a church key to punch them open! the first beer i ever drank was a can of schlitz. lol these days it's old milwaukee na beer for me ... and occasionally i'll splurge and buy a 6-pk of buckler or hakke beck.

  5. The new (old recipe) stuff is just great. Widely available around Chi-town; still can't find on tap. It's the only beer I'll bring home.


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