Friday, February 6, 2009

Spicy Beef Stir Fry

Piled high on a bed of fluffy steamed rice ~ spicy garlic schezwan beef and stir fried veggies.


  1. All those pics of the old homestead must leave you with the feeling that the Brazilian's call "saudade"

  2. mais, i ain't sure what dat means ... but you know what they say 'bout takin' the country out of the boy, eh? so ... how's thangs in paradise, cher?

  3. This comment was SUPPOSE to be for the pics of the ole homestead, but apparently I hit the comment box in the wrong section.

    The weather in Paradise, is very nice, with a temp of about 74º with a wind chill of 72º.

    This is my favorite time of year, its cool enough that I actually do some baking myself.

  4. Love Schezwan...sauce ingredients puh-leese!


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