Thursday, March 19, 2009

Caramel Apple Upside Down Cake

Hot out the oven ... smells yummy. Thought I had an original idea making this spin on the traditional pineapple upside down cake ~ even thought my *original name* was clever ... but alas while it was in the oven baking, I googled it & discovered it had already been done. Drats! Oh well ... got vanilla ice cream??


  1. I like cheeze with my apple upside down cake, er that is if I had ever made one. Wonder what caramel, apple, and cheeze would taste like you recken?

  2. well, i dunno about cheese on a cake ... would that make it cheesecake?? my daddy, him, he liked a good slice of cheddar on his apple pie. me, i never cottoned up to that idea ... ice cream for me. this cake easy peasy to make, gd ... give'er a whirl.

  3. Took me long enough to get over that peach upside down cake, now you post this. Pure torture I tell you. I did however manage to make a pineapple upside down cake last week. Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. howdy john ~ man cannot live by bbq alone, eh? next up ... bananas foster upside down cake! tru dat.


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