Saturday, March 21, 2009

Way Gone Fishing, Daddio

This is the first walleye I ever caught ~ family vacation in northern Minnesota, and this guy (Nick) was camped next to us & took me out fishing on his boat with him. I had never seen a walleye before. Dig my crazy Buddy Holly look, huh? I bleeve this was around 1966 ... so I would been about 15 years old. BTW, that walleye I'm holding weighed 32 pounds! Tru dat.

This is another pic of me, taken while on another family vacation ... think this is about 1965 on a trip to the Badlands. I would have been 14 years old in this pic. We took these family vacations about 4-5 years runnin' ~ every summer my Dad would rent one of these campers and put it on the back his pickup truck, load up the family, about 50# of boloney and pork & beans ... and away we would go. I can recall trips to the Ozarks, upper Minnesota/Great Lakes, the Badlands, Cheyenne, the Colorado Rockies, the Grand Canyon, etc. When I turned 16 I opted out of the family vacations, and began spending my summers with a custom combine crew, traveling from Texas to North Dakota harvesting wheat.
Buddy Holly ~ Peggy Sue


  1. 32 lbs - Wow an illustrated feesh tell for true.

  2. oh yeahhh, dat fish was a big'un al'rite ... camera just din't do him justice! lol


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