Thursday, June 11, 2009


See what you made me do? LOL Homemade pimento cheese ~ cream cheese, Tillamook cheddar, mayo, roasted pimentos, lil' dill pickle, onion, lotsa fresh cracked black and a splash of Texas Pete. Gonna let it git happy for a few hours, then run a lil' quality control on it about lunchtime ... mebbe on some pumpernickel? Sourdough??


  1. Man, that looks good! I think I'm going to try adding a little bit of cream cheese to my recipe.

    I like my pimento cheese sandwich with a nice ripe slice of tomato on it.

  2. 8 oz cream cheese
    1 cup mayo
    1# shred cheddar
    2/3 cup dice pimento
    couple T minced onion
    lil' seasoning
    black pepper
    splash hot sauce

    this is the basics of my recipe - sometimes a lil' jalapeno or pepperjack cheese, sometimes a lil' cayenne, sometimes a lil' fine dice dill pickle ~ it's all good. btw, i'd KILL for a homegrown tomato about now ... about another month before mine are ripe!

  3. Pimento cheese stuffed fattie sounds like a good idea right about now!

    Oooh or pimento ABTs!

  4. Chez - looks awesome dude! Makes me want to get some celery-lol

    Bob R

  5. Oh, oh, oh..I see a recipe! This looks like killer pimento cheese. We had a great smoky mayo (maybe bbq sauce and mayo) with our onion rings at Red Robin the other day. It was sooo good. I loved the Owl sandwich the other day! I've been sick with computer trouble lately...
    joy c.


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