Tuesday, September 1, 2009

BBQ Pulled Pork & Fried Green Tomato Pizza

Scratch cornmeal crust dough, Smoky Mountain Smokers chipotle bbq sauce, pulled pork, fried green tomatoes, caramelized onions & Marconi peppers, smoked provolone/mozz cheese. Who says southerners cain't make pizza, huhhh?? Slide show <---click

I hadda lil' dough and pulled pork leftover from makin' dat pizza above, so I made this lil' one fer cook's snackins ~ used pepper jack cheese fer this one.

1 comment:

  1. John,

    That is an unusual combination of ingredients for a pizza, especially with the green tomatoes. Is that something that you have done before or was this a first-time experience?

    How did it turn out? It looks really good, but what about the flavor?

    Good job, sir!



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