Sunday, September 27, 2009

Smoked Sausage And ABTs

Smoked sausage and ABTs ~ great snackins for football watchin' on a Saturday afternoon. Gonna use a few them ABTs to make an omelette this morning, too. Serranos from the Perrydize garden.

View off my back patio while I was smoking the the sausage & ABTs ~ do ya think I need to mow my yard? HUHHHH????

Homemade brisket/serrano sausage & ABTs stuffed with homemade pimento cheese & pulled pork. Japs from the Perrydize garden.
Carol Elizabeth Jones ~ Comin' Down From God


  1. John, you got a mower? Maybe someone would come over and mow for ya. You don't have much to mow do ya.


  2. kenny, i got a lawn service that mows my yard every 2 weeks ... but tell *someone* thanks anyway. (g)


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