Saturday, October 3, 2009

Johnny Hayseed

Can you spot the lil' hayseed peeshwank in this pic? OK, OK ... there's more than one hayseed in the pic, so I'll give you a hint: I'm the one wearing baggy blue jeans. Give up? This is my 3rd Grade class pic ~ taken 50 years ago ~ dat's me front row, second from the left. What I find interesting is this: Our parents knew well in advance that day was gonna be the fancy picture-takin' day ... and THIS is how they dressed us!! LOL


  1. lol ~ i was always a bit of a trendsetter. and how about those shoes ... i can remember them ... they didn't have laces, but had some kinda metal flap on the front that levered up & down to tighten/loosen the shoes. gotta love the cuffs on all the boys jeans, eh? lol

  2. Can't say anything about the cuffs. I had them growing up too. Probably even long after they went out of style.

    I see what you mean about the shoes. Not sure I've ever seen anything like that before.


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