Sunday, November 22, 2009

Apple Cranberry Pie

“When you die, if you get a choice between going to regular heaven or pie heaven ... choose pie heaven. It might be a trick, but if it's not ... mmmmmmmm, boy!!” ~ Jack Handy


  1. Wow it is hard not to get hungry when I visit your site. This pie looks sooooooooo yummy. Great site you have love all your post

  2. Chez - I'm an old, prolly your age, restaurant cook/owner. I really think you should publish a cookbook. I steal your ideas all the time. I would pay for them all organized in a nice book. Betlots of people would...

  3. well thanks, anon ~ i've been approached about doing a cookbook a number of times ... it's a lot of w.o.r.k. and required a great deal of discipline (that i no longer have). i'm happy just to share ideas, so steal away. (g)


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