Saturday, November 28, 2009

Compound Blue Cheese Steak Butter

OK, so I salvaged some good quality cheeses from a leftover Thanksgiving cheese tray ~ Edam, Emmenthaler, Gruyere, Jarlsberg, Cheddar ... and a nice wedge of blue (Roquefort) cheese. Gonna use most of them to make a kicked-up mac & cheese, and decided to use the blue cheese to make a steak butter. Will slice the roll of steak butter into discs & stuff them inside burgers then bacon wrap/grill them ... and also place a disc on top of a grilled steak, then slide under a hot broiler for a few seconds to melt over the steak. Earlier this spring my friend Lil' Missy gave me a bunch of fresh herbs from her garden ... and I made a compound herb butter w/roasted garlic, rolled it up and froze. I used this herb butter (thawed/softened) to make the steak butter: blue cheese, roasted garlic herb butter, splash of woostershire, lotsa fresh cracked black pepper.

This is the steak butter all rolled up and chilled ~ about a 1/2 pound total (16 tablespoons) ... so I can slice it into 8 nice thick discs (each disc about 2 Tbsp) ... use 6 of the discs to stuff inside 6 big burgers, and 2 discs for melting over a big ol' grilled KC Strip steak. Ain't leftovers fun???


  1. Leftovers....they separate the true cooks from the recipe followers.

  2. yeah ... you know how it is, RT ~ it's a *frugal* thang.


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