Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Morning Breakfast

Well BigDude, you talked me into cuttin' this quiche ... guess I gotta eat it now, eh? I recon tomorrow's breakfast menu just changed...

Hot out the oven ~ quiche jambon for breakfast tomorrow ... but it's smellin' mighty good ... it may not make it until breakfast. Gotta do a quality control check, don'tcha know.

Scratch pie crust, baked/smoked ham (diced), 3 cheeses ~ grueyer, cheddar and parmesan, ripe black olives and some diced roasted red pepper. Mebbe I'll have breakfast for supper tonight....


  1. Real men real do eat quiche if they're as smart as us. Looks great so far - cut into it and lets have a look.

  2. ok bigdude, you done twisted mah arm ~ there ya go.

  3. It looks outstanding - thanks for the look. I just ate a big sandwich, but think I could still eat a piece of the quiche.


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