Thursday, December 10, 2009

Oh, Fudge!

Well ... I lay the blame for this project squarely on my ol' buddy, Paola Greg ~ on account he posted a pic of some good-lookin' fudge he made a few days ago and it threw a cravin' on me something fierce ... I couldn't shake it ... so I hadda haul off and make me some. This is chocolate/peanut butter fudge, garnished with some toasted pecan halves. Now what am I gonna do wit 2 pounds of fudge, Paola Greg? Huhhhhh????


  1. Well, I don't know what Greg would do with it John, but I will be over in a few and we can naw on some of it while we think about what he would do with it.

    Looks mighty good my friend. Can't wait till it's turned out so we can see it without all the sparkley foil.


  2. well kenny, yer a lil' late ~ dat fudge already been cut up and gave away to my neighbors (OK, i kept a lil' bit for myself). turns out dat fudge is real good tool in bartering/bribing neighbors with snow blowers.

  3. Looks like I need to butter up some folks in my neck of da woods.
    Is your recipe cooked on da stove or nuked.

  4. cooked on the stove - very simple, easy recipe. email me if you want it.

  5. yeah, ain't it cute. now ~ if only i had a cool, retro tin to store dat fudge in....

  6. That's beautiful and looks like a sunflower. Hey, my hubby said that too.


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