Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Snowy Night Pizza

Homemade *taco* pizza ~ scratch cornmeal dough, homemade southwest sauce, homemade sausage, Tillamook cheeses, black olives, red onions, etc ~ sure made my beer taste good.
Bob Dylan ~ Takes A Lot To Laugh, Takes A Train To Cry


  1. I'm sitting here watching the weather channel and it looks like you might have several days worth of opportunities for cold, snowy weather meals. Brr.

  2. let it snow, let it snow ~ woke up to about 3 inches this morning ... much more to come today. will probably have about 8 inches here by tonight. heaviest snow just to the north & west of me - they gonna git 12-15 inches. lol cookin' cajun today - hearty & spicy


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