Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sunday B&G Catheads

Scratch buttermilk catheads, homemade apple/maple sausage, sawmill gravy ~ Sunday's were made for this...

Homemade apple/maple sausage fried up just a tad brown, on account it's got real maple syrup in it ... but them biscuits & gravy made me fergit all about it, yeh.

Creamy & thick, buttery, peppery ~ whooooboy, slap me twice & call me Shirley ... just don't call me late to the groanin' board.

Hot out the oven ~ big ol' flaky buttermilk cathead biscuits. Mama taught me good, ah garrontee.


  1. love you love you love you

    I've been looking for the lyrics to Bryan Bowers ~ The View From Home forEver only ... I didn't know the name of the song. My son and I call it Black Crow and it is so twisted with fantastic memories of 30 years ago you wouldn't believe it!

    And here I found it on your Feb. 09 archives. Thanks! The best christmas present I could get.

  2. well aw'rite ~ merry Christmas, bess. i have been a bryan bowers fan for many years (he plays the *auto parts*, you know) but i digress ... i first heard that tune *view from home* a few days before Christmas years ago when i was away from home, and although it's not a Christmas tune per se, it is to me. i think i have the tune in my digital music library ~ may have to upload it here one day next week.

  3. pull up a chair, big dude ... i got plenty.

  4. I may have to drive out to Topeka for breakfast some day.

  5. I just found you thru some BBQ site. Love your blog.
    WIsh I could make gravy like that. I have tried and it never turns out quite right

  6. be glad to help you with that gravy, noel ~ shoot me an email


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