Thursday, January 28, 2010

Cookin' Old School Today

Four thick, bone-in pork steaks (sliced pork butt), breaded old school with crushed saltine crackers & pan fried golden brown ~ then baked tender in the oven.

Here's what they look like after baking for about 2 hours @ 300* ... so tender they almost fall apart. Ya think I oughtta make some real mashed 'taters & cream gravy to go with???


  1. I vote for the taters and gravy and can't even believe you'd ask :)

  2. Wow...this city boy is gonna turn his kitchen into the country sometime this week...sweet looking pig steaks

  3. Nice looking pork steaks, Chez. I haven't stopped by your porch for awhile. You've been cooking up a storm! J


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