Saturday, February 13, 2010

Not Your Father's Baked Steak

Baked Top Sirloin Steaks ~ Hunter's Style Mushroom/Onion Gravy ... atop spicy Andouille Cornbread Dressing

Savory ~ Garlicky ~ Herby ~ Oniony ~ Beefy ~ Mushroomy ... what's not to like, HUHHHH??

Stuffing made with day old, stale leftover cornbread. What? You didn't think I was gonna throw that stale cornbread away did ya??


  1. I swear if I ate with you everyday, I'd probably weigh a half ton. I wish I could do what you do in the kitchen.

  2. well, from what i've seen ... you do a pretty good job yerself, bigdude. the talent (if i have one) is being able to take inventory of what i have on hand ... and spin it into something edible. anybody can go spend $100 at the groceria, then come home & follow a recipe. that doesn't trip my trigger. what trips my trigger is seeing day old cornbread on the counter, and finding that i have the other necessary ingredients on hand to spin up a delicious cornbread stuffing. my cost to make that killer stuffing: prolly about fiddy cents!! lol

  3. the talent (if i have one) is being able to take inventory of what i have on hand ... and spin it into something edible - that's exactly what I'm talking about wishing I could do.

  4. I would never be able to make that stuffing, cornbread doesn't last long enough to get stale around my house!!! LOL..


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