Sunday, April 11, 2010

It Ain't Such A Long Drop

OK OK ~ so I grated some cheddar to put in/on my lil' petite flower, Olga's, omelette ... and when I grabbed a handful dat cheese to top her omelette, I had a *senior moment* and dropped dat cheese into my cuppa coffee. HEY, don't laugh, I'm old. But anyway, I wasn't gonna throw out my last cuppa mud ... so I stirred it in & drank it. Not bad ... I mean, hell ... it ain't such a long drop from cream to cheese, eh?


  1. Nothing like the occasional senior momment - I'm having them more all the time. The omelets below look awesome. I sowed some morels last year in hopes they'd get a start and yet to see the first one - I didn't have high expectations. Never seen them in the wild but would sure like to find a stand of them.

  2. Seems as though you discounted the second senior moment - drinking the cheesy joe. I can only imagine the puzzled look of anyone else who might have washed the cup.


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