Thursday, April 29, 2010

Manicured Lawns Are Highly Overrated

OK OK ... so I'm sittin' out on the front porch this fine afternoon, sippin' a cold beer & listening to some BB King ... just really kickin' back and enjoying being alive ... and all the sudden mah lil' petite flower, Olga, comes out and commences to raggin' on me something awful about mowing the grass. Now I ask you ... does this grass need mowin' yet? HUHHH?? Hell no, it don't. Sometimes I just don't understand women.


  1. That lawn just looks healthy. Seems a shame to mow it. Besides, you can still see some of that tree.

  2. lol ~ i like the way you think, george

  3. Thirsty Thurston would be proud of you.

  4. that grass is beautiful! but your city might have a height ordinance!?! if it gets beyond a certain height, they can fine you, but i like the natural look myself. always wear eye protection and boots while mowing the lawn and don't reach under while the blade is turning. : ) a piano playing friend of mine did just that and nipped off the tips of 2 fingers. seriously.

  5. dang mel ~ sorry to hear about yer friend losin' their fingers. truth tolt, i got a lawn mowin' service that comes every 2 weeks & mows my lawn. the city can kiss my grits.

  6. bigdude, now there is a name i haven't heard in a while!!

  7. You need to get a goat. :)
    Actually your yard is beautiful Chez!

  8. Is that a Hibachi grill on your neighbor's porch?

  9. cowgirl, it's like i got my own lil' tallgrass prairie. kwim?

  10. I love having grass at that height, I think it makes a healthier lawn if you don't mow it all the time, but our neighbors are jerks and called the City on us when our grass was only about 8 inches tall. I was most displeased -- I may have implied the fine feller from the City of Manhattan didn't know how to use a ruler -- and he now comes out at least 3 times a summer to make sure we're WITHIN THE LAW. In short, it's stupid. I'm also jealous of your lawn, because it looks so inviting.


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