Monday, May 10, 2010

Big Storms Brewin'

This is a current map (as of 1 PM this afternoon) of all the registered professional storm chasers converging on the I-35 corridor ~ major tornado outbreak expected in my neck of the woods this afternoon/evening. Could git a bit bumpy...


  1. Hey, where did you find that keen map?

    We already had a storm this morning, including hail, so I'm not looking forward to this evening. The wind just started picking up about 4 PM.

  2. stacia, you got facebook? the wibw weatherdude (jeremy goodwin) posted that map on facebook. the storms are really beginning to fire up now - just to our south and west - they will be here in an hour or so - batten down the hatches!

  3. Oh shoot, I don't have Facebook, but I did go look at the radar. ACK! I am most displeased.


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