Thursday, November 25, 2010

Memories Of Thanksgivings Past

Mom in the kitchen on Thanksgiving morning (circa '80-'81?) making the homemade dinner rolls.

This is a shot looking down the Thanksgiving table from Mom's seat into the living room in the background. That's Dad's seat at the other end of the table ~ think this might have been the last Thanksgiving we had at the ol' farm house where I grew up, before the folks sold the farm and moved to town.

This is my sister, Brenda, setting the table ~ I took this shot from the living room, looking down the table into the kitchen in the background.

Here's a shot of Mom and Brenda in the kitchen ~ looks like Mom is getting a lil' annoyed with the paparazzi. LOL It appears they are getting to make the gravy in the pan that the turkey was roasted in, and I'm pretty sure that's the mashed potatoes and turnips in those other small pans, with the lids on keeping the contents warm.


  1. Gotalmaightdamn Johnny! Pulled up the Querque Turkey rendition here at 4:35am, Friday morning. Funnyfun, but one ocative off of nails pulled down the classroom chalkboard. Your culinary avenue was a trememdous choice.

  2. lol ~ count yer blessins, busta ... i got 4 more verses.

  3. cheers John - you don't see much appreciation of Mr Crumb anymore, thanx for keepin him in view. And thanx for the culinary treats and treatise - keep cookin!


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