YUmmmmmmmmmy! If I didn't live on the other side of the world, I would be lookin' at moving in next door to you! LOL Love that chicken and taties- made a " creamy potato bake" last night with bacon, shallots, cheese, layered taties, had it with rib eye, fried onions and french bread. :)
YUmmmmmmmmmy! If I didn't live on the other side of the world, I would be lookin' at moving in next door to you! LOL
ReplyDeleteLove that chicken and taties- made a " creamy potato bake" last night with bacon, shallots, cheese, layered taties, had it with rib eye, fried onions and french bread. :)
The scalloped potatoes look scrumptious, as does the chicen with that tangy mustard bbq.