Saturday, March 3, 2012

Smoked Beef Chuck BBQ

 Smoked chuck roasts, after about 5 hours in the smoker w/hickory smoke ... into roaster pan atop a bed of onions & a homemade Dr. Pepper/Chipotle sauce poured over all ... lid on and into 325* oven for about 3 hours to get tender for shredding
 Smoked chuck after baking tender, shredded
Topped with a lil' drizzle of the Dr Pepper/Chipotle sauce made from the pan


  1. Dr. Pepper Chipotle sauce.. awesome... I'm thinking you cooked the Dr. Pepper till reduced to a little more than half then buzzed in some chipolte in adobo and some garlic.... MMMMM am i close?

  2. close. i blended the dr pepper and chipotles in blender, then poured over the smoked chuck ... lid on and baked for a couple hours (on a bed of onions) ... then i removed the meat, and poured everything in the pan back into the blender & buzzed it again ... then strained it into saucepan & THEN reduced it to a nice thick sauce

  3. ohhhhh u r the Jedi. Why let those dippin's go to waste :) Enjoy that love and your basketball team!
    Much respect,


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