Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Couple Of Recent Breakfasts

 Creamed eggs in cheddar mornay w/japs ... over sweet potato biscuits
Sourdough buckwheat flapjacks & eggs w/steens cane syrup ... homemade sausage

1 comment:

  1. Oh, could we move in with you . . . I think you need us to eat our way through your incredible recipes . . . "will work for food:)"
    Come visit and join in the fun of our $25 Amazon gift card give-a-way. It's my way to help by sweet hubby get some new followers and to celebrate our 37th wedding anniversary :)
    I know that you are a follower to his blog, but I just wanted to invite you to come over and get your name in the hat for the drawing :)
    Have a lovely day.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)
    Check out our new project . . . it's a big one and will take a huge amount of elbow grease, but that is something we have plenty of :)


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