Mais ... almost a week after Thanksgiving, and I finally got around to eating my cranberries ~ right out of the can. With a plastic spoon. Next year I'll plan better....
Hot out the oven ~ prime rib chunks, seasoned and tossed with a lil' bbq sauce ... then run thru a screamin' hot 450* oven for about 6-8 minutes to get a lil' burn on the edges
Leftover prime rib, gettin' the kc masterpiece bbq treatment
OK, here are the players for that slather I made to rub on a prime rib roast, prior to seasoning it. I don't drink anymore, and a buddy left a couple bottles of Sam Adams Boston Lager in my fridge, so I figured I'd get rid of them by cooking with them. I boiled the first bottle of lager down to about 2 oz of thick lager syrup, then added equal amount of Cajun Power Worchestershire, a snort of morel oil and cracked black. Used half of it for a slather to hold the seasonings on the roast ... and used the other half of it to baste the roast a couple times during roasting. Additionally, I used the second bottle of Sam Adams in the bottom of the roasting pan (rib roast on a rack over the lager) and that also reduced down by about half during the roasting ... but it also kept all the pan drippings from evaporating ... resulting in a killer *lager au jus*
Both techniques employ pan frying then oven finishing ~ thick cut boneless pork loin chops. This one was baked on a bed of onions, then topped with the caramelized onions
No onions this time ~ used the pan drippins to make a cream gravy ~ cheesy mashed taters
Bonjou All Y'all Welcome To My Lil' Cabin On Da Bayou
Pull up a chair and sit yerself in the shade fer a spell ... take a load off and enjoy the view from the front porch. Me, I just brewed up a batch of sweet tea, and fixin' to fire up the grill lickety-split. We be eatin' high on the hog t'night, cher ~ ah garrontee dat's fer tru, yeh
Today's Tune ~ From Chez's Music Vault
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At Bobby's Best Grill Reviews, you will find the latest reviews and ratings for the 2012 Weber Grills Models including Weber Charcoal, Gas, Kettle and portable grills. They cover all of the most popular models including the entry level Weber Spirit, midsize Genesis, and the high-end Summit Grill lines.
Smoky Mountain Smokers
Some of the best bbq sauce and bbq seasonings in the bbq universe, made by my buddy "Smokin' Joe" Amore at Smoky Mountain Smokers down in Tennessee. Click the link above and git yerself some, ya heah?
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Daube Creole Recipe at Nola Cuisine
From Daube Creole Daube Creole is a Beef Roast dish unique to Louisiana
because it is larded with seasoned salt pork, garlic and herbs and braised. Daube
12 years ago
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