Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Grits Redux

Baked cheesy/sausage grits casserole ... made with homemade sausage, sharp white Tillamook cheddar, eggs, caramelized onions, ripe red jalapenos & butter ~ lotsa butter!
Flatt & Scruggs ~ Worried Man Blues


  1. I love this site and you are an food artist! Grits love....
    You need to post recipes... or at least a description on how it was made for each picture that is posted. I know it is a pain... so maybe justa brief description for each on how it was made... amounts of each ingredient we will have to just figure out! You are a true Jedi! Love your site!

  2. thanks for the feedback ~ you flatter me!! i'm a retired chef, been slingin' hash for almost 40 years ~ used to get paid a lot of money to do what i do now just for fun! lol i don't really wanna turn this site into a recipe site ... mostly because i just fly by the seat of my pants when cooking ... and would have to write recipes ~ too time consuming. if you see something that you just *gotta* know how to make, shoot me an email & i'll gestalt it for you.

  3. Thanks.again.. I have every site with any of your recipies on my favorites..... I am and remain a huge fan of yours and learn much from your influence!

    I know I am not alone.

    You are right... once it becomes work... it stops being fun! People tell me all the time I should "open a restaurant" yea right.. then I would hate BBQ and cookin'.


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