Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It Takes A Young Girl...

...To Make An Old Man Smile

Norah Jones & The Little Willies ~ Love Me


  1. Somebody from Arab Alabama visited Fat Johnny's Who is that? Edder Only asked cause I was born there.

  2. beats me. i never heard of arab alabama ... is it a big city, or small town?

  3. It's about 25 miles south of Huntsville AL. Small town that was supposed to be named Arad after Arad Thompson. But the goverment made a typo when the township papers went out. Two Guys almost came to blows once argueing over the pronounciation and whipped into the first place they came to to settle it, Ask the lady to say it real slow so they would know where they were. She said P I G G L E Y W I G G L E Y. Ma ma was a nurse at the Arab hospital 30 years. They may still not have any black students at the high school. Have a Poke Salit festivel every year. All of a sudden I'm home sick. Sittin just outside of Chi town, Dang Edder


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