Saturday, January 3, 2009

T.I. and Martha Eddy

This is my great grandad, Theodore Ira (aka T.I.) Eddy and his wife Martha & 12 kids. T.I. was quite a businessman ... came to Kansas from Virginia, homesteaded in NE Kansas in the late 1800's ... founded the town of Havensville, founded the bank, became a Kansas state represenative, brought in the railroad and raised a family of 12 kids. The man on the far right in this picture is my grandfather (Walter William Eddy aka W.W. ~ my dad's dad) whom I remember very well. I knew 4-5 of the other siblings, but most of them had died before I was born. This picture was taken circa 1915-16 by Sam Bristow, a photographer in Wetmore, Kansas.

Standing, back center: T.I. and Martha
Standing siblings, left to right: Ernie, Jude, Flora, Ira, Walter
Sitting siblings, left to right: Delia, Dora, Hattie, Josephine
Sitting siblings, front row left to right: Cora, Flossie, Hazel
Gillian Welch ~ Mom And Dad's Waltz

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