Saturday, January 3, 2009

Here Lived A Wise And Moral Man...

This is the mailbox my dad built ... at the end of our lane, on the old home place where I grew up. The lane was about 200 yards long ~ doesn't seem all that long now, but as a lil' peeshwank it sure seemed like a long ways to run on a cold dark winter morning, when the school bus was sitting out there by this mailbox waiting on us. My sisters and I used to throw rocks at the mailbox, while we were waiting for the school bus ... we got *extra points* for hitting the red flag!! Daddy woulda tanned our hides if he knew we was doing that. LOL These pics were taken by me, circa 1982


  1. Great pics, Chez. Thanks for sharing them.


  2. thanks mike ~ gonna start blogging some family stuff every weekend - got lots of family following the blog now.


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