Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Chef = Oxymoron

Well, as you can plainly see ... I'm not very happy about having to wear dat stupid red toque. I actually remember the circumstance of this picture ~ I had just finished preparing a huge Easter Buffet at the hotel where I was Chef at the time ... expecting about 400 people to go thru the buffet ... and at the last minute the person that usually works the carve station got sick and went home. So, I had to change into clean whites & put this stupid hat on ... and go out to the end of the buffet line and stand there carving hams & prime rib for the next 3 hours. I HATE working carve stations on buffets ... but it all ended well ~ nobody died. Happy Easter, Y'all.


  1. Man, if I saw someone that looked like that standing by the meat with a big knife I would have left the line after the baked rigatoni!..Happy Easter too.

  2. lol ~ now that you mention it ... you might be onto something there, rt. i always thought the number of peeps droppin' out that buffet line before they got carving station, claimin' to be *vegetarians*, was rather disproportionate to the general population!!

  3. I know what you mean about the carving station. That was one of my jobs every Thursday night when we had all you can eat prime rib buffet.
    I also got to carve for Thanksgiving and mothers day buffets. With 600-700 mothers day guests, we had two carvers. One for ham and one for prime rib.
    I also did the omelet station for Sunday morning breakfast buffet and the Easter buffet, another 500-600 guests. Real pain in the rear. Five burners, five omelets cooking at once, five people to remember who gets what. GRRRRRRRRRR....... People who want egg beaters then load the omelet up with bacon, sausage and cheese. I don't get it.

    Nice toque by the way.......

  4. oh yeah, omelette bars are the worst! been there, done that ... made thousands of omelettes over the years. i used to set up the omelette bar and set out soup cups for folks to put whatever they wanted in their omelette in the soup cup ... then bring the cup to me & i would make their omelette. now, i'm making omelettes in a 6" pan ... and some people would bring me 2-3 soup cups FULL of stuff they wanted in their omelette!! lol it would have taken a 15" pan and 12 eggs to git all that stuff in their omelette. jeez. and people wonder why chefs drink a lot! lol


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