Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The BBQ Dance Has Begun

Mais ... supper's over, and I've got the Royals baseball game on the ol' antique Crosley radio ~ been sittin' out in the shop drinkin' a beer & getting the WSM smoker ready for a 5 AM blast-off in the morning ... beautiful calm late spring evening & I'm happy to report that everything is unfolding according to the master plan. I bought another pork butt today, so getting ready to go rub down 2 butts and a tri-tip ... and prep the whole turkey (just evoo, no spices) ... then set the alarm fer 4 AM and hit the sack. There's no rain in the forecast, and temps should be around 55* when I fire up dat pre-dawn smoker ... think I'll go with an applewood/pecan mix this time. T-minus 7 hours, and counting......


  1. I can just smell the smoke, deelish! What are sides going to be???

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. sides? well, i hadn't really thought that far ahead. i guess beer doesn't count??

  4. Yes, beer does count as a side!


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