Friday, July 10, 2009

Fried Green Tomatoes

Breakfast on da bayou ~ we don't need no steenkin' eggs....

Although a lil' sausage & mebbe a nickle's worth of cheesy grits woulda been nice.

Seasoned wit Tony's and dressed wit a lil' kosher salt, fresh cracked black & a splash of Tobasco ~ sided with a dollop of homemade remoulade fer dippin. Go on ahead & put a lil' south in yer mouth, podnah!


  1. While watering the big ol garden this morning, a saw three of the heirloom tomato plants had little green tomatoes on them. Only about the size of a big marble now, but it will not be long. The wife wants me to make her some fried green tomatoes too.

    Sure takes a long time to get veggies up here on the frozen tundra!

  2. Since we are kin, can I come over for lunch?!

  3. lol ... mzjoy, seein's how we are kin ~ you don't even hafta ask dat question!! come on wit yer badself. (g)

  4. Wow, that's nothing short of mouth watering! Oh how I wish I could reach out and grab that plate for lunch!
    Happy Twirls

  5. lol ... gotta love you southern girls dat knows a good fried green tomato when they see one! i'm making some texas caviar today, and am going to put a diced green tomato in it (raw, not fried) ... never done that before, but i think it will work. it'll either be real good, or just plain gawdawful!! lol


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