Friday, April 2, 2010

Daddy Was An Onion Connoisseur

More specifically, Daddy was a Texas 1015 onion man ... he just called'em 1015's ... and he would respectfully argue with anyone who said otherwise, that 1015's were the best onions on the planet ~ Vidalias included. Now, being the young punk that I was back in those days, I didn't know onions from applesauce, but I always took up the argument for Vidalias ... mostly just to spite my Dad. Now that I'm a lil' older & wiser ... I have to say that Daddy was right all along. And not just about onions, either.


  1. Isn't it odd that the older we get, the more knowledgable our parents become.

  2. Good that you finally woke up and smelled the onions...


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