Tuesday, May 25, 2010

From The "WTF" Files

OK OK ... so I git my cuppa mud and turn on the teevee this morning, to git caught up on the news. First thing I hear is there's a big brouhaha about Venus Williams' underpants & see a big close-up photo of Venus' ass. Jeez ... so I immediately flip from CNN over to FOX and their top story is some kinda big brouhaha about Lindsay Lohan. WTF?? And now you know the rest of the story.....


  1. My sentiments exactly. The news has gotten more into giving us entertainment than real news. It's ratings and money.

  2. And this is exactly why Americans are viewed as the ignoramuses of the world. We have no clue what's going on anywhere because we'd rather watch this crap instead.

  3. To be fair, UK and French news is often no better. I can't speak for any other countries, though.


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