Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Grand Poobah Of Perrydize

This is my good buddy, Rob "NoBob" Bell ~ the Grand Poobah of Perrydize Lodge & Wildlife Conservatory and charter member of the FOLB Bunkhouse Boys. One these days I'll tell you how ol' NoBob got his nickname, but I cain't tell dat story in *primetime*, no ... hafta tell dat one after the kids go to bed.

Ol' NoBob's a fine instrumentalist, damn sure is ... but you notice how everybody gits up and moves away when he starts singin??

The boys in the bunkhouse, from left: Wild Bill Wiseman, Arkie Clarkie, NoBob and Sarge. Just off camera was Alonzo, Mr. Timmy, Willdog, Simon, Hopper ... and more pretty girls than one.

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