Friday, June 18, 2010

Pic #14,561

This is the last pic taken before my camera died yesterday ~ it's a couple KC strip steaks and some andouille sausage, ground to make stuffed bell peppers. I am now out of the food porn business until further notice.


  1. WHAT! Your NEW camera died John! What happened. They designed to go out at 15,000 pictures?

    Ken Barbqr

  2. nah, i sent the new camera back kenny - the box was damaged in shipment and i didn't want to risk it, so i sent it back without opening the box. the old camera finally died. 15K pics is a good run, i figure i got my money's worth.

  3. Hope you're back to foodporn soon - I need a regular fix.

  4. lol ~ i'm still cookin' up a storm, just can't take pics now.


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