Saturday, February 5, 2011

Chuck Roll 101

I broke down a whole chuck roll a couple days ago (22# choice grade, aged) used about half of it to grind along with pork butt to make homemade sausage ... and cut the rest of it into chuckeye steaks, chuck roasts and ground some for making chili. Above pic shows a 14 oz. lipon chuckeye steak on the left and a 3# chuck roast on the right. Pot roast on the menu for early next week, ah garrontee!

The chuck roll and the rib roll (think prime rib roasts or ribeye steaks) sub-primals are right next to each other ... so where the ribeye ends, the chuckeye begins ... and that transition is gradient, meaning there ain't much different between the last cut ribeye steak (about $9/lb) and the first cut chuckeye steak (about $2/lb) you see above. KNOW your cuts of meat.

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