Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ham/Asparagus/Black Olive Quiche

Mais, I had all the stuff on hand and they was screamin' at me to make a quiche ... so I hauled off and made some pie dough & made this quiche to go wit a salad for supper last night. Farm fresh eggs, scratch pie dough, good Tillamook cheddar, fresh asparagus, etc. Pretty good eats, in a girley quichey kinda way.


Anonymous said...

After that "New York Sloppy Joe," of the other day, I see that you are eating lite.

I know, Weight Watchers is a real drag at times.

John, that quiche certainly looks good. We are not normally big quiche eaters, but I think that would be one that we, along with others, could enjoy.

What did you dust the top with -- kosher salt?

Noel said...

OH MAH GAH!! I need some of that! I wish you could overnight me a piece ;)

cowgirl said...

Dang Chez.. that's lookin' mighty fine!! If I leave now, will I make it there in time for leftovers? :)

Chez said...

i like to sprinkle the top of quiche with grated parmesan cheese ... right when it comes out the oven, still hot. when the parmesan cheese warms up, atop that hot quiche, it gives off an incredible aroma.

Big Dude said...

Real men absolutely do eat quiche, especially when it looks like that.

Big Dude said...

Real men absolutely do eat quiche, especially when it looks like that.