Monday, August 31, 2009

Oh Let Not Time Deceive You

Walter Roscoe "Boscoe" Eddy 1923-1999

Today is my Dad's birthday ~ born on this day ... August 31st, 1923 ~ he would have been 86 years old today. He was a good man ... a hard-working, God-fearing, wise and moral man. Happy Birthday, Dad ~ I miss you.

Oh let not time deceive you
You cannot conquer time
In headaches and in worry
Vaguely life leaks away
And time will have his fancy
Tomorrow ... or today

W.H. Auden

Glen Miller ~ In The Mood


Joy Tilton said...

A wonderful tribute to your Dad. He looks very proud of that fish in the picture! My Dad was a big fisherman too, great memories that we hold in our hearts forever.

RibDog said...

What a nice way to pay tribute to and remembering your father. Very nicely put together, Chez.

Chez said...

thanks guys ~ above all else, i am my father's son. dad was the first person in my family to graduate from college ~ served under patton in wwII, then came back & went to college on the GI bill ~ got his degree in civil engineering & designed/built bridges for the state of kansas until my grandpa died & dad came back and took over the farm. he was also a tremendous musician, sax player, played in dance bands & even played for a couple years in stan kenton's band. glen miller was his favorite musician. the quote is from a poem by w.h. auden, dad's favorite poet.

Anonymous said...


What a wonderful way to celebrate the memory of your father. As you are justifiably proud of him and his legacy, I am sure that he would be even happier with the person that you are today.

Relating what your father was explains so much of who you are and what you enjoy in life.

Nice piece!


Mike said...

That was truly special.