Thursday, August 20, 2009

Something Fishy About This

Fresh caught perch, homemade taco shells, my corn chowchow tartar sauce kicked up with RT's homemade lemondrop hot sauce, Tillamook cheddar, crisp lettuce, diced homegrown tomatoes, sliced fresh serranos ... and a cold brewski ~ tasty. Short slide <---click


Anonymous said...

I believe this is the first mexican I've seen you do Chez. Are you sure you ain't got some kin south of the border.

Rawtalent said...


Awesome looking tacos my friend!

Anonymous said...


Really looks good! The combination of flavors and textures probably went well together?

What do you use as seasoning on your fillets? Anything unusual other than salt and pepper?


Chez said...

seasoned the feesh wit mexican adobo seasoning & rt's lemondrop hot sauce, then dredged in cornmeal & fried

Joy Tilton said...

This looks soooo good! I love fish tacos and they aren't on very many restaurant menus here. I have tried to make the Baja style like they do in Southern Ca. but mine never taste the same. Yours would make me forget all about the Ca. ones!

Chez said...

put yer own spin on them and make them yours. mzjoy's ozark feesh tacos. typically, i would grill or broil my fish for fish tacos ... but in this case i already had a pan wit some hot oil in it that i fried the taco shells in, so i went ahead and fried the fish. nobody died.