Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Pot Of Bolognese

Cookin' Eye-talian for a client today, making 2 of everything so I won't starve the next few days: antipasta platter, lasagna bolognese, big green salad, homemade croutons, primavera bread & tiramisu. Doing all the prep today, will put everything together tomorrow morning ... here's the big pot of bolognese sauce, after it had simmered for a couple hours.


Anonymous said...


From the color of your bolognese sauce, it would appear as though you have not used any milk like other recipes. Am I seeing that correct?

Have you provided the basics of recipe before?


Chez said...

not all bolognese has milk/cream in it. i don't put it in mine. some people put bechamel in their lasagna also ... i don't i'm not in the *recipe* business, len. sorry, i just don't have time to write down everything i cook.

Stacia said...

That looks so good. I love making pasta sauce and bolognese, but it's always a lot runnier than yours is.

Chez said...

stacia ... runny bolognese makes for sloppy lasagna. don't like that, me, no.

Stacia said...

I agree, I don't like it either! That's why I get canned pureed tomatoes for lasagne sauce. I just don't have the touch to make it from fresh maters or canned chopped maters. I'm missing that gene or something.

Chez said...

lol ~ sometimes i make tomato sauce from fresh tomatoes, but only when i have an abundance of *overripe* homegrown tomatoes. i usually buy contadina brand tomato sauce, and thicken the bolognese with tomato paste & lotsa meat.