In Onaga, I had to walk from the school, or my Grandpa's house, all the way down to the edge of town to Kilowatt's Sinclair gas station. Old Kilowatt was a creepy ol' geezer & was scary as hell to a lil' kid ... but worth the risk going down there for a 3-V ... and iffin I had a whole quarter, I could get me a 3-V AND a Cherry Mash candy bar!! In Havensville, the source for 3-V was Harley Davis' drug store ~ another creepy ol' geezer that was mean to lil' kids ... but he had a great selection of penny candies and had a neat old metal cooler that he kept his sody pop cold in ~ not refridgerated, but well insulated & he kept the bottles of pop in ice-water & ice ... so you had to slide the lid open on top & reach down into the cold ice-water to git yer bottle of pop ~ was always easy to find the 3-V Cola bottles, because they were bigger/taller than all the others & stuck up a couple inches above all the others.
I recall many a hot summer afternoon, riding my old Schwinn bike (wit big fat maypop tires) all the way to Havensville, which was a lil' over 3 miles ~ dusty old gravel country road ~ to git me a cold bottle of 3-V at Harley's drug store. Often dat trip was a complete leap of faith, on account I din't have NO money, so I had to hope I could find enough pop bottles alongside the road & cash them in to git enough money (return was 3 cents) for a bottle of pop. It was a lotta hassle ... Harley din't cash in empties, so had to take them down to Fordham's General Store to cash them in ... then ride back up to Harley's to git my 3-V Cola. Sheesh ... now tell me, do you think a kid would go to that much trouble now-days for a bottle of sody pop???
Leslie Gore ~ She's A Fool
1 comment:
Yup. 3V Cola was the brand of choice for those metal signs that were put across screen doors on the rural general stores that my Dad used to deliver canned meats to in SE Missouri, both in flat cotton country and in the red Ozark foothills south and west of Cape Girardeau. Either 3V or Bunny Bread. I was about 8 or 9 and rode with him sometimes.
jim schaefer
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