Friday, November 12, 2010

Beans, Cornbread & Cabbage

This is the smoked pork rib meat, from the brisket bone trimmed from a slab of spares ... I smoked it when I smoked the ribs, then froze it. It ended up in my bean pot today (see below) ... simmered tender while adding a nice smokey backnote to the beans ... then I pulled the meat off the brisket bone & mixed the meat back into the beans. Frugal Cooking 101

Sour cream & bacon grease is what gave these cornbread muffins the love they deserved

Old school slaw ... beans, cornbread and cabbage ~ a poor plowboy's buffet

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It may be a plowboy's buffet, but it definitely is one heck of a meal of comfort food. I know I would not turn down an invitation if the invite were extended and we were in the neighborhood.